Thursday, April 11, 2019

Hard Boiled Eggs Aren't Easy for All of Us!

Easter is here and we are busy preparing menus, coloring eggs and making egg salad with all of the eggs you just colored.  Each year I attempt to hard boil eggs, and each year it's a bust.  They either do not harden inside, have a green ring around the egg, the eggs crack while boiling or simply won't peel.  UNTIL NOW!......

 Finally I have found a method that works for me.  Ok, I admit the shell peeled off in little pieces, but the fact remains that it did peel👏Here's what I did.

I placed 6 eggs in a saucepan.  Then I covered the eggs with an inch of cool water.  I covered the saucepan with a lid and heated until the water was boiling.  Turn the heat to medium for 7 minutes. Remove the cooked eggs with a slotted spoon and place gently into a bowl of iced water.  Let the eggs cool for 2-3 minutes.  I towel dried the eggs and placed therm in the refrigerator to be used within a week.  It's that simple.  
I just read online there is an oven baking method to make hard boiled eggs too.  Interesting.  Has anyone tried this?

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