Thursday, March 3, 2016

Girls Weekend at Lake Geneva Cooking School

I recently hosted girls weekend at our lake house.  As a Christmas gift, I had given gift certificates to lakegenevaschoolofcooking, owned and run by Chef John Bogan.  His cooking classes are an experience of a lifetime!  Chef John greets you with a delicious bellini cocktail made with peach nectar and chilled Prosecco. The class we choose was titled "Tuscany". We idulged in hot, aromatic Parmigiano Popovers as Chef John had us introduce ourselves to our fellow cooking partners.  We partnered up and each had a course to prepare.  As you can see from the menu above, we were in for quite a delicious dinner!  
We had our own cooking island to chop, dice, bread, saute, and season.  Meanwhile, there is dance music playing, wine drinking, singing and bogeying to the music.  
After each course is completed, baked, cooked, and/or chilled, we were seated at our formal dining tables and (yes, more wine)!  Each group serves the others as we anxiously waited to see who's group was the tastiest.  Winning wasn't as important as the memories you will take home from this truly unique and delightful experience.  
Chef John and I share the same thoughts that good food and conversation bring families and friends together.  Anyone taking one of Chef John's classes leaves with a feeling of family that will stay with you always.  

Thank you Chef John and we can't wait to return to another class.  At the top of my list is the Summer Thursday morning Farmers Market class, where Chef John takes the class to the Lake Geneva Farmers Market to hand pick locally grown fruits and vegetables.  See you then!

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