Thursday, December 30, 2021

Hostess Gift Idea

When we are invited to a gathering, I bring a hostess gift for our host. Through the years, the most appreciated gift has been a  morning after breakfast gift bag. After hosting a party, all we want to do the next morning is relax. So putting together a small gift bag to open the next morning filled with muffins, bagels, a small coffee cake homemade or store bought, and a fresh bag of your hosts favorite coffee will bring a smile. The picture below is banana bread I made and packaged to give to our dear friends who were hosting an amazing outdoor party a couple of summers ago. I like to include a package of napkins or paper plates too. Another suggestion is including a gift card for food delivery to give your host a chance to relax and enjoy a meal of their choice. 

Wishing all of you a safe, happy and healthy 2022. 

lake house lyn

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