Thursday, December 16, 2021

Gift to Yourself

Gift yourself moments of peaceful Headspace for the holidays.

Let's face it, the pandemic is wearing us down, the worldwide news is stressful and the countdown to Christmas is on. So how can we offset the anxiety of these events?

One way I find my own time each day is waking up at 5:30 am. I read my newspaper and enjoy a hot cup of coffee before my phone begins with messages and calls for the day. Of course this isn't for everyone but it gives my brain the time it needs to decompress before my busy day begins. 

I've downloaded the Calm app to my phone and it reminds me each morning to check in how I am feeling. The app offers meditations short and long, calming sounds, stories and music.  I admit not checking in with the app each day, but it's a comfort knowing it's there when I need to take a breath.

We have beautiful parks in our community and a couple of months ago, I began a walk regimen for 30 minutes as many times a week as time allows. There is something about taking slow deep breaths of fresh air as you enjoy a walk, reminding me I feel grateful for the ability and good health to walk these paths of nature. If you belong to a gym, make the time to take a class or walk the track.  

Eat healthy, drink water, enjoy holiday cocktails but not overindulging. It takes a lot to keep our systems running smoothly. 


It's taken me a long time to learn this, but if you are mentally unable to commit to an event, give yourself permission to gracefully decline. Do what's best for you in these trying times. Your heart and mind will thank you.

lake house lyn

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