Prepare your planting space with soil, seeds, containers and spray bottle of water.
My daughter in law, Lisa of Balancing Lisa recently showed me a smart and easy way to start my vegetable seeds. I couldn't wait to get started. Begin by saving and rinsing the plastic containers your fresh fruit and lettuce comes in from your grocery store. These serve well as a home to plant your seeds. Place your soil in the container, divide your vegetable seeds evenly, top with another layer of soil, spray the soil with your spray bottle and you're done. This year I am growing Livingston Seeds, a company that's been around since 1850. I purchased my seeds at Wannemaker, our local garden shop. Once they begin to sprout, transplant into larger containers and keep watered, making sure they have drainage on the bottom. Placing small stones under the soil in your container before planting helps achieve this. Remember, you can grow vegetables in containers on your deck or patio. I'll keep you posted on the progress of my Independence Day tomatoes...happy gardening!

Looks amazing! 😍 I can’t wait to plant mine soon too!