Monday, May 21, 2018

What Are You Grilling for the Holiday?

Memorial Day is a big grilling day in our house and many others.  My husband leaves the inside cooking to me and I leave grilling to him.  After 43 years and counting,  it's the perfect plan. I love that he still likes getting creative with his grilling.  We have found the Costco meat department has a wonderful selection and the steaks he bought for this meal were of fine top of the line restaurant quality.  The butcher comes out from the counter to answer any questions you may have and is happy to cut the size meat or roast you need.  

One of my favorite side dishes that compliments steak beautifully is pictured below and my husband makes it beautifully each time. Cut Granny Smith or Gala apples and fresh pineapple into bite size pieces and place in a foil pan.  Sprinkle with golden raisins, cinnamon and light pats of butter. Place the foil pan on the heated grill. Stir and watch carefully (so it doesn't burn) for about 15-20 minutes.
This could also be served as a dessert topped with vanilla ice cream.  Great for Summer.  Bon Appe'tit!

Costco steaks.
My husband Michael's grilled fruit dish♡

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