Monday, August 7, 2017

Easy Grilled Corn

I can't get enough of our local Farmer's Markets and go as often as possible.  Windyacresfarmstand is a favorite vendor of my daughter and myself and we stock up on our favorite corn, tomatoes, cucumbers, grapes, blueberries and raspberries.....let's not forget their peaches! ( I love tossing sliced peaches in my green salads).

Corn on the cob is best when cooked on the day you buy it.  
  Peel the husks back, but leave attached to the ear.  Remove as many of the silks as you can.  For extra deliciousness, soak the corn in milk for an hour in the refrigerator before grilling. The milk acts like a brine and gives the corn added moisture and flavor.  Found this on betterhomesandgardens grilling secrets. 
Recover the ears with the husks.  Tear or cut a long piece of husk and use to tie the tip of the husks together.
Grill corn for 25 minutes or until kernels are tender.  Turn the cobs occasionally.  Top with flavored butter below.

Top corn with butter and enjoy!

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