Thursday, April 20, 2017

Dogs Driving Cars

This blog post is only meant to give you a smile. We tend to take our pups with us for a ride along while running errands so they can hang their heads out the window and check out the scenery. 
 Our sweet Riley seems to know when we are heading to the lake house every time and sits by the door until it's his turn to get in the car. Our furry friends wait patiently for us until we return to the car but enjoy checking out the comings and goings around them while they wait. I began snapping pictures of the dogs I saw who had moved to the drivers seat while they waited. At first glance, these sweet pups look determined and ready for the road.  Simply sweet and adorable!

Enjoy this smile today🐶

~always crack windows for your pet and remember hot summer days your pet is better off at home where it's cool for his safety~

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