Thursday, April 30, 2015

Tie Tac Toe Fun Out of a Tree Stump

Last Fall when we realized our beloved Ash tree had succumb to Emerald Ash disease and  as it was beginning to break off in large parts, we knew it was time to take action.  This particular tree was special to our family.  Our daughter's baby swing hung from it as well as our grand babies.  Not to mention countless nieces and nephews.  The tree company estimated it was 50 years old.  I requested we keep part of the trunk cut into pieces resembling a small log and my husband promises me he will make a bench for my garden area from them.  Something I will treasure.  The stump remains in the ground for now.  
Meanwhile, I found this fun way to turn our loss into a small gain until we grind the stump and figure out what type of tree to replant.  (Check out below)



Found on

Here's How:

Large Rounded river rocks (can be found at Dollar store)
Red, black and yellow paint
Paint brush
You made need several coats of paint.  
Free hand the lines on the top of the trunk in paint.
I'm not the best crafter on the planet, but is anyone expecting perfection?  Just having fun with it:)

Happy Weekend!

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