Thursday, March 26, 2015

Birthday Cake of Love

Today is my birthday.  I celebrate each year with my family and friends.  My husband calls it my birthday "month" of celebrating.  Five years ago my Mom unexpectedly passed away the month before my birthday. So that year my family got together and surprised me with a lovely brunch they all cooked together.  It was so special they made all of my favorite foods and even did clean up!   Now that's a gift in itself!  
My Mom loved sunflowers and I have loved marshmallowpeeps for as long as I can remember.  Our daughter surprised me with this special birthday cake topped with peeps looking like a sunflower.  She used the round cake pans my Mom had used to bake all of our family birthday cakes in for years and years too.  It melted my heart and I'll never forget it.

It's so easy to make and perfect for a birthday you are celebrating in the Spring, Summer or at Easter.
Here's ingredients and directions.

Ingredients:  15 Yellow Marshmallow Chicks Peeps, 1 standard box cake mix (yellow cake mix looks like a sunflower), 2 containers of chocolate frosting, 1 bag of chocolate chips, two 8" round cake pans lightly sprayed with cooking spray and shake with flour.

Prepare the cake mix according to the package. Cool the cakes in pan for ten minutes before removing from the pans.   Place one round cake on a plate or cake stand and top with chocolate frosting.  Place the second round cake on top of the frosting and frost rest of he cake with the rest of the chocolate frosting. 
Place the Peeps chicks on top of the cake around the diameter with faces facing inward.  Place the chocolate chips on top of the cake .

Embrace and Celebrate each Birthday and Thanks for Stopping In!


  1. Love everything about this post! Such a great story to share, thanks Mom! And happy birthday, I love you.

  2. What a fun and unique cake. It is really sunny and cheerful - very creative.

    1. Thank you and it was delicious too! Thanks for writing:)
