Thursday, May 14, 2015

Packing the Perfect Picnic

Memorial Day is next week so why not celebrate the holiday and/or weekend by packing a picnic.  
What's your favorite spot for a picnic?  The park, playground, backyard, at the lake, beach or on the boat?  

Pack your picnic basket very carefully.  When you are planning a movable feast, there are many things to consider.  Have a checklist and mark items off as you pack them in your basket or tote.  Did you remember, napkins, utensils, plates, cups, garbage bags, condiments, salt and pepper?

Pack your meats and salads in a well insulated cooler.  Pay attention to food safety and toss your perishable foods if left out of the cooler longer than two hours.  The bottom of the cooler is the coldest so this is where you will place your most perishable foods.   Use freezer packs, ice in zip lock bags, or my favorite trick is freeze bottled waters and use them as ice packs.  As they melt, you have cold water to drink.  

Below are a couple of great picnic totes and they make a nice gift for birthdays, Father's Day, or summer bridal showers.  Stick a bottle of wine inside or a gift card for a favorite food market in the area.  

What's your favorite picnic menu?  Cold barbecued chicken, sweet potato salad, Grandma's potato salad or macaroni salad, fresh fruit salad, ham and cheese on rye?  
Try making fresh fruit skewers.  They are easy to make, transport and eat.  
Thread your favorite sliced or chopped fruit onto wooden skewers.  Kids love these!  Serve it with a honey vanilla yogurt for dipping.  

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Insulated Picnic Tote sold at bedbathandbeyond for $37.99
Insulated Willow Picnic Basket sold for $67.99 at brookstone 

Happy Weekend!  

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