Thursday, December 27, 2018

Thoughts with a Side of Positivity

~Welcome the New Year~

2019 is knocking and many of us find ourselves reflecting over what was and what's to come. That's what we do after Christmas is over and we begin to look ahead.  Each year around November, my list making begins.  Lists of gift ideas for our family and friends, lists of meals to be made, lists of scheduling when to put up the tree and trim, decorate the inside and outside of the house, when is the family together for our holiday card picture.  Each year I vow to simplify.  This year I may have succeeded.  As I write this, it's the day after Christmas.  I'm going over the past 48 hours in my head and instead of feeling overwhelmed, I am counting blessings.  Blessings for the family I have. We have a genuine love for one another and support each other every day.  My father is a blessing.  As our immediate family of 38 gathered in the home I grew up in, my heart swelled watching my Dad sit back and take in Christmas Eve as Santa arrived for our youngest family members.  He later told me he's a lucky man.  We're the lucky ones Dad.  Because we are witness to you still enjoying the family you and Mom started many years ago celebrating the holiday together. 
Christmas morning family brunch has been in our home for the last 28 years since my father in law passed away.  This year our son and daughter in law Balancing Lisa graciously offered to host.  Their home was welcoming and beautiful. We were greeted by our grandchildren running to greet us in their Christmas pajamas, the house smelling of delicious foods, and the sounds of our favorite classic Christmas music playing.  I might never forget the comfortable feeling as we sat together and enjoyed being together in the glow of the tree, sharing prayer and being thankful for being graced with these moments.  
 I realize so many people have had unfortunate circumstance and the holiday season is met with grief or despair.  We have had years of loss and grief as well.  Losing our Moms,  my sister in law losing her husband and raising a young child on her own, our young niece or friends to illness made it seem the holidays would never be the same.  Truthfully, they aren't the same.  But over time, we gathered strength to go forward and realized we can take the precious memories from Christmas past and inject them into Christmas present and future.  I no longer take for granted the things I did when I was younger and I feel grateful for what I do have.
 Todays world brings social media that brings a connection among all of us.  It also brings a new pressure to try to have the beautiful life that many on social media try to project to others. No matter who you are, it's important to remember life is never perfect 24/7 but it's about realizing the positive moments.  I do realize my positive moments and feel grateful.  And I'm grateful for the opportunity to share my thoughts with you and appreciate you taking the time to read my blog💗 

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