Thursday, March 29, 2018

Easter is Around the Corner

Easter Sunday is quickly approaching.  Our family of 30 plus gathers at my Dad's which incidentally is the same house I grew up in a family of 5 children and Mom and Dad.  After church, everyone brings a special dish for Easter brunch to enjoy.  Weather permitting, we hold an Easter egg hunt for the littlest members of the family (don't be fooled...we ALL take part in the competition!) and small prizes await the winners.  

Ideally, this is held outdoors.  However, if it rains on your Easter parade, don't fret.  It can be just as much indoors.  You just have to be inventive.  Restrict the egg hunt to 1 level of the house.  Close doors and hang signs on doors of rooms you want to avoid playing in.  Signs can say "No Bunny Crossing.

Outdoors, create a safe egg hunt area by using festive ribbons and garden stakes to mark off prohibited areas such as ponds, roads, bushes or trees with thorns, or neighbors yards.

I always use plastic eggs and fill them ahead of time with coins, jelly beans, m & m's and any small candy of choice.

Provide baskets for the participants.  Or head to the local craft store and pick up white lunch size bags, markers, crayons, stickers and have each child make their own special "egg hunt" bag to use.  

Prizes are always welcome at the end of the hunt.  Inexpensive prizes can be bubbles, sidewalk chalk, or small gift cards for local toy or movie stores.

What are your family traditions?

~Wishing you Easter Blessings~ 

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