Thursday, June 23, 2016

Reflecting on the Seasons - It's Suddenly Summer

Our second home is in a Midwest location that suddenly transitions from serene Winter and Spring to bustling with crowds everywhere Summer!  Two weeks ago we could get a table at any restaurant without a problem and sometimes were the only couple or family in the entire restaurant.  Memorial Day weekend brings visitors to the area by the droves, arriving by train, car and a handful of private aircraft.  Two weeks ago, I was one of a dozen customers at our local supermarket.  Today, the parking lot and check out aisles were jammed with people frantically looking for food and drink to feed the many family members and friends they were having up once they had opened their cabins and lake homes for the Summer season.  Many part time home owners here close up their homes for the Winter, only enjoying them in the Summer months.  We have a 4 season home and for 19 years this year enjoy each and every season.  Naturally the Summer months bring the joy of boating, grilling, the walktalkandgawk path around lakegenevawi, the many festivals.  Neighbors venture out of their homes from a long Winter's hibernation to rediscover the joys of living in the same community and catch up on what we have all been doing the past few months.   
Doesn't it seem we have just taken down our Christmas trees and decorations?  The lakes ice gradually melting, the pier companies barges suddenly appear placing piers around the 21 mile lake in their rightful homes.  My Lillies of the Valley show their beautiful and fragrant faces in our backyard woods every May, and then it's here.  Summer!  

I find myself shopping for foods to grill instead of slow cooker meals.  The outdoor furniture comes out of storage, cleaned off and placed in it's rightful places on the patio.  In the Midwest, our seasons seem shorter, and some years it seems Spring has gone missing and the days of gentle rains are fewer, being replaced with severe storms and weather warnings.  Often I am asked why I live in the Midwest and why not make the move where weather and temperatures are predictable.  As appealing as it sounds, I would find it hard to give up the anticipation of changing colors in the Fall, the coziness I feel when watching the snow fall with a cup of hot cocoa in my hand in the Winter, and waiting and watching for the pier company to put in the piers on the lake, knowing Summer is around the corner.  

Hello Summer! 

Do you have a favorite Season? 

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