Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Lending a Hand When Disaster Strikes

This past Sunday evening, a powerful tornado struck our surrounding community leaving devastation in it's path.  The good news is lives were spared. The bad news is hundreds of families are left without homes. Kindness is showing itself as complete strangers are working tirelessly to assist these families with collecting what belongings and memories they can find, people with saws coming to remove large fallen trees to provide access to affected roads, a nearby car wash closed their business and their workers went house to house helping with clean up. Strangers arrived with food and water to pass out. Brian Rock, the owner of Elevated Pie Company from Merrillville, Indiana packed up his dough, sauce, cheese and ovens upon hearing of the tornado disaster to make pizzas and serve those affected for several hours. I, personally saw the outpouring of kindness while delivering supplies to be distributed at West Suburban Community Pantry who will distribute water, non perishable foods, diapers, wipes, and cleaning supplies to families and friends of the community. Trucks in front of me filled with bottled water, paper towels and more.

 Car after car filled with people who want to help dropping off supplies. 
As the news helicopters continue to hover above and the news cover this event, please pray for the families who need to find a way to move on. What we can do to provide comfort is check your local American Red Cross, Village Halls, social media Next Door for ways to help. Thank you.

lake house lyn

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