Friday, November 12, 2021

Soups On!

The first snow of the season is coming this weekend in the midwest and that means only one thing...soup!  I have used the same soup pot for a number of years and I can't think of making my soup in anything else. Chicken soup is always the first one of the season. It's a family favorite! When it's on the stove cooking, I'm reminded of the days my Mom made chicken soup for our large family of 7. It's a good way to stretch a meal and a budget at the same time.  

I always begin with a base of organic chicken broth, chopped onion, chopped fresh carrots and celery and fresh chicken breasts. I like to use a few shakes of The Spice House Back of the Yards  and Lemon-Pepper in my chicken soup as well as a couple pinches of salt, pepper, topped with a good sprinkle of dried parsley. Let it cook on the stove for 3-4 hour on low. It fills your home with a wonderful aroma. After a few hours, remove the chicken breasts and shred with 2 forks. Place back into the pot, add a bag of your favorite egg noodles, and cook for another 20 minutes or until the noodles are done.  

Serve and enjoy this hearty soup♡

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