Monday, July 20, 2015

I took the grilling when Mother Nature decides it will rain each day "challenge" & won!
Our summer weather so far in the Midwest has been, shall we say, Interesting!  A week hasn't gone by without severe weather threats, tornado watches or warnings, torrential rains and flooding. You get the idea.  The date I choose to have the family over to celebrate a birthday recently was one of these days, leaving me to figure out how I could cook and serve 14 sirloin steaks, bratwursts and hot dogs on a moments notice.  My picnic idea was literally washed away.  I became resourceful and we picnicked indoors. 

 I learned how to bake , not broil, grill or pan cook my steaks 101.  Hot dogs and brats were cooked stove top while the oven preheated.  Here's how it went down and actually, the steaks were good!  My blue cheese compound butter recipe (thank you carlahall of thechew on ABC) saved the day with tons of flavor and kept my omahasteaks from drying out.  This recipe is below. 

Use shallow pans lined with foil and lightly sprayed with non stick baking spray.  Thanks to samsclub, I always keep a supply of foil cooking pans in my homes for easy cooking and cleanup when entertaining.  Preheat your oven to 400 degrees.  Spread blue cheese butter generously on top and bottom of your steaks.  Lay in pans and cook for 20 minutes at 400 degrees.  
Reduce the temps in the oven to 300 degrees and cook for 50 minutes, turning the steaks over halfway through.  The internal temp of the meat should reach 115 degrees.  (Check out weber for the 6492 Instant Read Thermometer.  Sells for $9.99 on Amazon.  It has a great digital display that reads the temperature quickly and automatically shuts off after 15 minutes. )
Take steaks out of the oven and let them rest, covered with foil, for 20 minutes.  Serve and enjoy.

**Blue cheese compound butter to make ahead of time and keep in fridge.  This can be frozen. 
Place 1 lb. softened butter into a bowl.  Gently mix in 1 1/2 ounces room temp blue cheese,  2 tablespoons chopped chives and salt and pepper to taste.   Spoon onto plastic wrap and roll into a log, twisting ends.  Refrigerate at least 30 minutes, slice and enjoy.
Also flavors up corn on the cob, baked potatoes, and green beans.  
So easy and kicks up the flavor to a whole new level.  
Have you made compound butter?

Happy Tuesday and I'm glad you stopped in!

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